Anufood China 2018


The specialized ANUFOOD CHINA 2018 food fair, which is organized by ANUGA Koelnmesse in Beijing (China), opened today, its doors to the commercial public.

Our company feels particularly proud to be participating as the only Greek exhibitor in said fair, representing the Greek – Mediterranean culinary culture in China ‘s commercial food stuff buyers.

Our 18 m² exhibition booth is manned by our Sales Manager, Mr. Kostas Kokonas, alongside with our representative in China, Mr. Aris Argyriou, C.E.O. of KangBeiSiTe – KondorAsia LTD. and Ms. Wendy Tao.

We also today had the pleasure and honor to accept the visit of Messrs. Manolis Stantzos, who acts as Greece’s Commercial Attache in China, together with China’s famous Nutritionist – Dietician, Mr. Zhaolin.

The exhibition will run until November 23, 2018, from 10:00a.m. – 17:00p.m. (and from 10:00am – 4:00pm on 23.11.2018) and our exhibition stand is located at F 301.